What is Resveratrol and Who Might Benefit From Taking It?

What is Resveratrol and Who Might Benefit From Taking It?

Sep 24th 2023

Dark Purple Grapes on the Vine

I’m a little late to the party on talking about this still-popular supplement, but only because it’s been more than a passing fad since it’s still a pretty popular option for people to have in their supplement stash. Resveratrol hit the natural health scene almost 2 decades ago at this point

The marketing for the product at first was that it’s the coveted part of red wine and grape-derived products that helps to defend against everything from aging to cancer. Related: Anti-Cancer Benefits of Garlic

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a phenol compound that is found in the skin of grapes mostly, but is also found in the skin of some nuts and other berries as well. This compound is known for its highly anti-inflammatory effects, and also has a reputation of being an excellent free radical scavenger. For this reason it’s been touted as beneficial for everything from arthritis relief to cancer prevention.

There is another potential benefit, although I doubt it is too recognized by any official bodies since it’s probably not 100% provable. Resveratrol may also help to reduce any type of damage done after radiation exposure. This makes sense from a logical standpoint, if it can help to reduce inflammation and un-do the effects of toxic organisms (free radicals) within the body.

Anti-Cancer Benefits

One of the more commonly cited reasons for taking resveratrol supplements is its potential use as a preventive weapon against cancer. Some feel that it is such an effective antidote to free radical damage which can also damage DNA, that it must be a good thing to incorporate into a cancer-preventive regimen. They wouldn’t be wrong.

Some preliminary research indicates resveratrol can aid in spontaneously cancer cell death. It can also help lessen the negative effects of chemotherapy, since chemo actually targets not only cancer cells but also healthy cells.

Remember, the reason chemotherapy patients experience hair loss is because hair is one of the fast growing and quick-turnover cells, and since chemo targets rapidly dividing/reproducing cells, it targets the hair cells. Its anti-inflammatory effects also are thought to have at least a secondary anti-cancer effect. Related: How to Shape Eyebrows and Maximize Growth

Blood Sugar Stabilization

This was a new one to me, resveratrol is also being looked at as an aid to stable blood sugar levels. Studies have been done for its diabetic benefits. There is some evidence that it support metabolic function by encouraging healthy blood sugar control and improving insulin sensitivity. 

Related: What Type of Cinnamon is Best for Blood Sugar Regulation?

Joint Pain

It is important to point out that getting resveratrol through your diet won’t introduce the levels of this compound that are thought to have an therapeutic effect. This is why it is essentially distilled down into a concentrated form by manipulating the foods that have high levels into a supplement form.

Some who experience joint pain whether it be from full onset arthritis or the typical aches and pains that people have as they age, swear by the addition of a resveratrol supplement in aiding their discomfort. The anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol are the reason for its benefits in this department. Inflammation is the reason for joint pain, and if resveratrol can successfully target bodily inflammation, then it has effectively helped to alleviate the discomfort associated with joint pain.