BBL (Broadband Light Therapy) - Experience and Testimonial | Part II

BBL (Broadband Light Therapy) - Experience and Testimonial | Part II

Dec 31st 2022

Another kind of light therapy - Home Red Light

Last we talked, I provided my initial experience with two consecutive BBL (Broadband Light Therapy) treatments. Now, we’ll talk about recovery period, and more importantly, the results thus far. See BBL Part I for more info on the initial experience and what your expectations can be. 

Note, the pictured device to the left is a home based red light therapy dome, which is different than the professionally administered BBL therapy we are talking about here.  For more information on red light see Red Light Therapy My Experience and Review

Recovery Period

I was told that the recovery period would be about a week before I noticed improvement. I would sum up the way my face felt after the treatment as a severe sunburn. It felt very "tight" and dry for about a week after as well so I was sure to apply copious amounts of Argan Oil at night and Nourish & Hydrate face cream during the daytime to help fend off the dryness. They will also apply a generous amount of SPF moisturizer to the skin after the treatment.

This is because it is of utmost importance that you protect your skin from the sun in the days and weeks following the treatment. It is extremely susceptible to sun damage after a treatment, so you have to be even more vigilant than usual in shielding your face from the sunlight.

This is also the reason they say you must only have BBL treatments in the “low sun” months. You’d never want to get a BBL treatment in the summer time when the sunlight is plentiful and much more potent.

Make sure you have a good, noncomedogenic high-SPF moisturizer or even use a high SPF foundation to apply after your treatments. This will help you to not only preserve your results, but also protect your skin during this time of increases susceptibility to sun damage. By the way, your skin will absorb moisturizer like a sponge for the period following a BBL treatment, so make sure you are adequately hydrating it with generous amounts of moisturizer.


I’ve now had two BBL treatments. The recommendation for my BBL treatments was to get two consecutive treatments, approximately 4 weeks apart. So I followed that recommendation and got one in early November and then one in late November. Related: Infrared Saunas for Healthier Skin?

The first treatment yielded more visibly verifiable results in terms of what I was able to see it had helped to address. What I mean is, I was able to see the dark spots that would later fall off much more visibly with the first treatment. They looks like clusters of coffee grounds, like I was told they would.

I was advised to NOT exfoliate or try to rush these crusty spots from falling off. I was to just let them take their course and fall off naturally. Which is hard for someone who likes to pick at their face! But I kept my word and did not try to pick or peel anything off.

These spots just naturally fell off on their own, a little longer after I thought they would. I would say it took about 2 weeks for the spots to completely fall off. In retrospect, I think this was because I was so diligent in over-moisturizing because I couldn't stand the dry, tight feeling. If I hadn't moisturized as much, they may have taken a shorter time to go away.  I did notice my skin looked better, but it looked worse before it looked better if I were to be completely objective and honest about it.

The Second Treatment Yielded Most Noticeable Improvement

The second treatment was the sweet spot. I didn’t find the second treatment to be as painful, but it may be that I was prepared for the level of discomfort the second time. My skin also did not feel as sunburned or tight the second time.

It has now been about 1 1/2 weeks since my second treatment and I’m noticing that my skin looks brighter and tighter! This is definitely more of a noticeable improvement than the first treatment alone. While I do still think it looks worse before it looks better, I’m now seeing what it looks like after healing and the payoff that is promised, which is more even, seemingly ‘tighter’ skin somehow, and also brighter and much less splotchy or uneven

And most importantly, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my age spots where my skin tends to get the most sun exposure, which was my forehead and the sides of my cheeks. Related: Can Plastic Surgery Paradoxically Make You Look Older?

The Verdict on BBL?

All in all, I’m pleased with the results and will likely continue to budget for this skin care luxury. It can be affordable if you wait for the treatments to go on sale. Plus I like that it’s a noninvasive treatment that allows you to preserve the individuality and personality that makes you “you”. Overall, I would recommend!