Supplements to Help You Relax | Part II

Supplements to Help You Relax | Part II

Oct 20th 2023

Herbal Supplements in Small White BowlsThis is a continuation of our two part series. We wanted to delve into a few of the top supplements you can take that will help relax your nerves and tame the anxiety and stress that seems to be so prevalent in the working class today

But First, Why are We More Stressed Than Ever?

There are plenty of economic and societal reasons for this increase in stress and anxiety, and while technology is supposed to help us live an easier, less stressful life, the constant barrage of media has been implicated in our high stress levels as well. So one tip that many professionals are recommending that doesn’t involve any medications of supplements, is to ditch the phone and other devices for a day or two.

It won’t kill us to disconnect, although we are conditioned to be constantly connected to our devices in this day and age. Think back to a time before smart phones. Were you less stressed then? Probably. It’s no coincidence! Anyway, let’s get back to how you can de-stress with various supplements. Related: Hot Yoga for Stress Reduction, Focus


With a futuristic sounding name, GABA is an acronym for the longer, much harder to pronounce Gamma Aminobutyric Acid. It is a neurotransmitter that is naturally occurring in the human brain. And believe it or not, you can actually supplement with a chemical identical to the one made by your body.

Studies are actually under way on whether supplementing with this or using it in a stronger medical form would benefit people in various ways. The role of GABA is to slow the brains response time, which in turn should effectively slow down the response to stressors and other stimuli that induces anxiety and stress in people. Related: Can a Natural Deodorant Work on Stressful Days?

Obviously, it may also help you get ready for bed time by helping to slow down your brain and start to get relaxed and sleepy. Since it blunts the effects of rapid, speeding thoughts, it may help prepare us to hit the hay so to speak, but would it also help us to stay asleep?

It’s not likely since it really doesn’t target the mechanisms that help us stay asleep, but it certainly can be useful to help us get in the right frame of mind for sleep. It also could help if you’re anticipating a stressful event to help calm the nerves and blunt the effects of anxious thoughts.


We actually just talked about the supplement taurine in a recent story, so we’ll just touch on it here and if you want to learn more go see our recent article “Is a Taurine Supplement Worth a Look?

Taurine is an amino acid. It is found in a lot of energy drinks, which makes it seem counterintuitive as a recommendation for stress relief. However, even though some do report they feel sustained energy by supplementing with Taurine, it actually has a reputation as being a calming agent to the central nervous system.

As a matter of fact, if you type taurine into any major search engine, you’ll find the autofill suggestions all have to do with sleep and relaxation. However, it is also recommended for athletic performance and heart health. These may all seem to be conflicting benefits for this amino acid, however most people do seek it out for its supposed sleep and relaxation benefits.

It may be best to take taurine several hours before bedtime, just to test it out so you can see how it impacts you individually. If you find it induces feelings of calmness, then maybe you can take it a little closer to bedtime.

Overall, taurine may be beneficial to occasionally supplement, or to at least ensure you’re getting enough naturally. Egg yolks are a great source of Taurine, so if you’re a regular egg eater, you’ve already got a head start.