Natural Beauty “Wives Tale” Remedies That Actually Work

Natural Beauty “Wives Tale” Remedies That Actually Work

Oct 8th 2022

Beauty RemediesThere are plenty of natural beauty “wives tales” or hacks that you have probably heard of over the years. From using hemorrhoid cream and used tea bags for under-eye puffiness and bags, to rinsing your hair with beer or mayonnaise for shiny hair we’re going to touch on some of the most interesting ones to date!

Removing Moles with Castor Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Baking Soda

There are a fair amount of anecdotal stories out there that this combination of household ingredients can indeed get rid of a mole over time. Baking soda, known for it’s excellent cleansing, odor absorbing and bacteria-neutralizing capabilities, is blended with two other products that you might need to purchase.

Castor oil was a staple in many homes decades ago for its uses as a natural laxative. But since then, it is used for skincare uses, although it is fairly limited due to its thick consistency. It’s perfect for the lips though, and that is why we make it the main liquid oil in our all-natural lip balms! It’s really protective because of this thicker consistency, and will also stay on the lips like no other oil, so it has a good staying power.

Castor oil is one of the main ingredients in the mole removal remedy. Along with that is baking soda and tea tree oil, mixed all together in a paste-like concoction. Tea tree oil is a popular essential oil, in the mid-price range among other oils. Related: The Best Non-Drying Antibacterial Essential Oils

It is mostly known for its antibacterial qualities, but it must be used with caution and preferably diluted with other ingredients because it can be rather volatile. It may be the main reason that people have had success with this paste remedy to get rid of moles. Simply apply the paste daily and put a bandaid over it.

Beer Rinse and Mayonnaise Mask for Hair

Beer rinses are a haircare remedy that I remember from my youth. You would simply take a can of beer and use it to rinse the hair after washing. Many claim it has conditioning and clarifying properties for the hair due to the hops and malt content. Read the full story on beer rinsing.

Hemorrhoid Cream For Under Eye Puffiness and Bags

Here’s a really great one. Although I never had the pleasure of trying this home remedy I know some swear by it. There was a period of time when using hemorrhoid creams and gels was a seemingly strange beauty fad. If you had bags under your eyes from being tired, or puffiness around the eye area, this was supposed to be a great way to remedy that.

Why would hemorrhoid cream do anything at all, besides smell weird and probably not be quite the right consistency for the face? Well, hemorrhoid cream is specially formulated to take the swelling out of hemorrhoidal tissue. The same theory may apply to under eye bags and puffiness that can be calmed and de-puffed by the same action. 

I’ve actually enjoyed fairly puff free eyes, so I’ve never tried it, but if this worked on crows feet, which I’ve had since I was 25 years old, I’d gladly try it out!

Side note – fairly zealous exfoliation, followed by hyaluronic acid application and lots of generous facial cream has a wonderfully plumping effect around the eyes and helps crows feet too!